Melasma Treatments


Learn more about Melasma Treatments.

Melasma, also known as the “Pregnancy Mask,” causes spots of gray and brown hyperpigmentation.

Dealing with melasma-induced dark spots can be a major cause of concern for women.

However, it is a very common condition that almost anyone could face. PURE Medical Spa centers our melasma treatments on each individual client, in order to uphold our dedication to providing exceptional outcomes for everyone.

What is Melasma?

Melasma is a skin condition that commonly arises on the face.

Specifically, it affects the bridge of the nose, cheeks, forehead, and upper lips. The condition stems from a melanocyte malfunction, so people with darker complexions are more susceptible to hyperpigmentation. Other factors include hormonal changes, pregnancy, and certain medications. Melasma is a unique and complex skin concern with four main variations:

  1. Epidermal: mild and affects the superficial layers of the skin
  2. Dermal: marked by the presence of melanophages (melanin-ingesting cells)
  3. Mixed: a combination of epidermal and dermal melasma
  4. Unnamed type in dark skin: stems from excess melanocyte production

Whenever you receive a melasma treatment at PURE, you get peace of mind knowing you’re in great hands. Our team will take time to understand your specific needs and the severity of your condition to provide optimal outcomes.

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Frequently Asked Questions.

Can men suffer from melasma too?

How do I know which melasma treatment will bring me the results I’m after?

Do melasma treatments completely eliminate hyperpigmentation?

V.I.P. Experience

Meet PURE Medical Spa.

PURE Medical Spa combines luxury with medically proven aesthetic treatments to provide a premium V.I.P. experience for each client.

With the latest technologies, advanced techniques, and the most experienced staff in this area, we create results that enhance your natural beauty.