Cellulite Treatments

Cellulite & Cellulite Treatments

Learn more about Cellulite & Cellulite Treatments.

Many people deal with cellulite, but it is especially common for women.

While puckering and dimpling may hinder you from wearing the clothing you want, it is not an untreatable condition.

Cellulite treatments at PURE Medical Spa effectively smooth skin and tissue, which improves the texture and appearance of your body. Through high-quality technology and V.I.P. service, we ensure you receive a fully custom treatment plan that brings noticable results.

Understanding Cellulite Formation.

Cellulite forms when fat tissue bulges over the connective bands woven between it. Those tight bands pull on the skin, which leads to a puckering or “orange peel” effect on your skin’s surface.

Due to the distribution of fat, muscle, and connective tissue, women are more likely to experience cellulite than men. In fact, 80-90% of adult women will have cellulite at some point—no matter how much she weighs. Fortunately, non-invasive cellulite treatments aim to release tight connective bands. These treatments help the affected areas smooth and bounce back without surgery.

Virtual Consultation

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Frequently Asked Questions.

If I have cellulite does that mean I’m unhealthy?

Can I eliminate cellulite by working out?

Do cellulite treatments hurt?

V.I.P. Experience

Meet PURE Medical Spa.

PURE Medical Spa combines luxury with medically proven aesthetic treatments to provide a premium V.I.P. experience for each client.

With the latest technologies, advanced techniques, and the most experienced staff in this area, we create results that enhance your natural beauty.